Five minutes with Holly Hipwell - Flower Power Enthusiast

Five minutes with Holly Hipwell - Flower Power Enthusiast

Five minutes with Holly Hipwell - Flower Power Enthusiast

We're so lucky to have Holly on board as one of our Confetti Rebels Ambassadors. She kicks ass in flowers, life and style. We were lucky enough to grab five minutes with her, so we asked some very pressing questions about life.
Tell us what you do for a crust
I'm a flower lover! I work all over sydney creating floral installations and arrangements for special events and weddings. I also love hosting workshops! There might be one coming up soon, so stay tuned...
Ive been so lucky to work with amazing clients and brands who love my unique aesthetic and no rules attitude to life and flowers.

What’s your preferred pick-me-up?
Coffee.... in a martini. Espresso Martinis!!!!

What's the last thing you do before bed?
When I have to head out to the markets early the following morning, I try to go to bed nice and early but usually stay up all night watching my favourite shows. I keep thinking - just one more episode... Next minute the alarm is going off at 4am!

Describe a typical working day?
Every day is so different! I head out to the flower markets a couple of times a week to check out whats in season and collect my goodies to use for various events. Sometimes I'm sourcing props and styling elements. Other days I'm searching the interweb for hard to find elements, occasionally I get lost and find myself online shopping for new shoes.

People always say - you are so lucky you have the best job! But it really is hard work to manage all aspects of the business.... from designing concepts, meetings, flower markets, my midday nap, midnight bump outs and all the millions of emails in between there isn't time for much else! But I love it and wouldn't have it any other way. Although living on an island and surviving on margaritas wouldn't be so bad either.

Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 how weird you are.
I would say i'm a 1. Everyone else would say 10. I just don't know why! Is it the glasses?

What would your autobiography be called?
Holly Hipwell The Helicopter Hostess (that was one of my first jobs)

Describe your life using film titles.
"You've got mail". Because I always have emails and never find the time to respond.

Tell us about Ruffy…
Oh RUFFY! Shes my 4 legged friend. I am a total dog fanatic. I will literally drop to my knees in the street when I see a cute pup walking by. I am like a fairy god / dog mother to a few furry friends - I steal them from their backyards when the owners aren't home and take them for outings. Ruffy is my number one pal. Its funny because people often say - Oh where is your dog? ... and I don't actually own one.

HH x
You can check out Holly's FABULOUS creations here!