International Women’s Day 2021

International Women’s Day 2021

International Women’s Day 2021
Why #ChooseToChallenge resonates so strongly with Confetti Rebels.

This year’s International Women’s Day theme of #ChooseToChallenge speaks loudly to what the Confetti Rebels brand stands for. Challenging gender equity, rejecting stereotype and speaking your truth requires strength, courage, and a streak of boldness are themes at the root of each Confetti Rebels creation.
“Shake your Tits, its Friday!” Dancing like no one is watching in your most colourful clothes and accessories is something many of us do behind closed doors, but few would have the guts to do it for an online audience that swells 40,000 followers!

Challenging Stereotype…
The face and personality behind Confetti Rebels and loveable ‘friend’ to all her supporters, Amy Clarke has certainly built a brand out of choosing to challenge the norms. She unapologetically says it how it is and proudly gives voice to minorities and worthy causes. Going against the grain in a sea of coastal Australian fashion dominated by neutral tones, words of empowerment in a series of exciting, curated fonts, graphics and colour combinations deliver a level
of individuality and self-expression that fast fashion simply cannot replicate, even when they try.

A visit to Confetti Rebels HQ is the sensory equivalent of a candy store. You leave feeling excited, inspired, and on a sugar high from sampling the assortment of retro lollies that add an extra touch of love to every packaged order.
Don’t be a lady, be a legend! In recognition of #IWD2021 Amy has worked her own special kind of magic and designed a t-shirt especially for women. And it’s a black and white design, good for those colour-shy folks who don’t want to be left out of the fun!

Speaking to the theme of challenge the antiquated stereotype for women to be ‘ladies’. We can all recall being taught to be ‘ladylike’ when we were children, as though it was a gender obligation. Well, that idea is being debunked by Confetti Rebels. So, let’s all just be legends instead!

Since the ‘burning of the bra’ our quest for equality has come a long way, but clearly there’s still more work to be done. As we are currently witnessing here in Australia with female Parliamentary staffer and alleged workplace rape victim, Brittany Higgins, it is not always a fruitful outcome for women to be courageous and speak their truth. This t-shirt is particularly powerful for keeping the
message of women’s rights at the forefront by provoking thought and conversation. And don’t the colours just pop in a way that makes you smile from the inside!


Australian of the Year 2021 and child rape survivor Grace Tame certainly proved that “Girls Can”. After losing her innocence to a once trusted male schoolteacher when she was 15, her claims were then publicly refuted by her abuser as ‘teenage promiscuity’ in a media interview. An archaic law in Tasmania prevented Grace from speaking out against her perpetrator in defence of her honour. Inspirationally, she went on to overturn that law through a hard-fought campaign known as #LetHerSpeak. So, this International Women’s Day lets honour these bold and courageous females and #ChooseToChallenge - collectively we can achieve a legacy that is a future free from gender inequality. You can start by “wearing the T-Shirt”.

By Jade Fernandes - Guest Blogger and friend of the Rebels.
International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women’s equality.